About ASGA

The American Student Government Association is the national professional organization that serves and supports college & university Student Governments.

ASGA can help your Student Government grow and improve.

ASGA offers vast resources at www.asgahome.org, produces 11 Student Government training conferences, and helps many SGs with consulting, training, analysis and research.

ASGA has more than 1,400 member institutions of all types and sizes.

If you’re a new SG, we can help you write a constitution, recruit new members, determine goals, and train your members.

If you’re an established SG, we can help you enhance services, improve voter turnout, recruit more candidates, and improve your relations with administrators.

For strong SGs, we can help you develop a strategic plan to communicate with your student body and administrators, improve voter turnout, enhance your marketing, improve relations with the campus press, and conduct research on your behalf.

ASGA helps & supports Student Governments everywhere.

  • Find out what has worked at other colleges and universities. We spend thousands of hours researching so you don’t have to!
  • You can easily search for information on student governments everywhere. Members have unlimited access to the ASGA website and our massive SG Database, which includes details on every student government in the nation.
  • We can do research for you. Need to know what other Student Government budgets are? Structure? Activity fees? Election turnout? Compensation for SG officers? ASGA will conduct research just for you at no charge. Just ask! Non-members pay $400 an hour.
  • You will save $100 per person at any of ASGA’s 11 great training conferences. They’re the most practical, helpful, and cost-effective SG training conferences in the nation.
  • We can help you improve your constitution, by-laws, or budgeting process. Members receive 60% off the normal fee of bringing our experts to your campus. We can help with team building and member retention, parli-pro training, and document writing and revisions. We can even do a written analysis and audit your SG to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You get one hour of free private consulting by phone with an ASGA expert. Get an unbiased perspective from the nation’s experts on student government. Non-members pay $400 an hour.
  • We can help you connect with thousands of other similar SG leaders and advisors through ASGA’s social networks.
  • You can get LIVE help at www.asgahome.org with any problems or issues you’re having. You also can call toll-free anytime at 1-877-ASK ASGA.
  • We can help you be more efficient and save money. You will learn how to budget quicker, run meetings better, transition easier, and more!
  • We can help you solve any problem you’re having. Just ask! We know how to create a great Student Government better than anyone else in America!